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1. Subject of this privacy statement

We, b.telligent Schweiz GmbH, Kanzleistrasse 57, 8004 Zurich (hereinafter also referred to as "b.telligent" or "we"), are the operator of the website www.worldofdata.ch (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") and, unless otherwise stated, are responsible for the data processing specified in this data protection declaration. The protection of your personal data is important to us. We base our data protection on the legal requirements of Swiss data protection law, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act (DPA), as well as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the provisions of which may be applicable in individual cases.

Below you will find information about what personal data is collected during your visit to our website and how it is processed by us in the following. In addition, we would like to inform you about the rights to which you are entitled and the technical and organizational protection measures we have taken with regard to the processing of your personal data. Please note that the following information will be reviewed and amended from time to time. We therefore recommend that you regularly review this privacy policy.

2. Name and address of the person responsible for data processing and service provider

For questions or comments about this privacy statement or data protection in general, please contact:
b.telligent Schweiz GmbH
Kanzleistrasse 57
8004 Zurich
oder vie e-mail to: datenschutz@btelligent.com

You can reach our EU data protection representative at:
b.telligent Group Holding GmbH
- c/o Data protection officer -
Walter-Gropius-Straße 17
80807 Munich
oder via e-mail to: datenschutz@btelligent.com

3. Collection and use of your data

The scope, type of collection and use of your data differs depending on whether you visit our website only to retrieve information or whether you use offers on our website that require you to provide further data about you, e.g. when making an appointment or ordering a ticket for an event:

a. Informational use

For informational use of our website only, it is generally not necessary for you to provide personal data.

  • date and time of retrieval of one of our websites,

  • browser type,

  • the browser settings,

  • the operating system used,

  • the page you last visited,

  • the amount of data transferred and the access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.) and

  • Your IP address.

During an informational visit, we process this data exclusively in non-personal form. This is done to make it possible to use the websites you have accessed at all and to be able to check whether our websites are displayed optimally to you. The processing is carried out on the legal basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR and in our interest to be able to display our website to you reliably and as smoothly as possible.
‍We store the IP address, as well as the other data resulting from informational use, for four weeks; no personal evaluation takes place, there are only statistical evaluations of website usage, as described in this privacy policy below.

b. Newsletter

With your consent, you can subscribe to our newsletter which informs you about our current interesting offers. The advertised goods and services are mentioned in the declaration of consent, and usually encompass all the content related to b.telligent's performance and product portfolio, as well as updates from the BI world, such as customer relationship management, data warehouse, big data, data science, cloud technologies, etc.

We use a double opt-in procedure for subscriptions to our newsletter: After you register, we send you an e-mail to the specified address, asking you to confirm that you want to receive the newsletter. If you do not confirm your registration within 7 days, your information is automatically deleted. In addition, we store your assigned IP addresses, as well as the times of registration and confirmation. The purpose of this procedure is to be able to prove your registration and, if necessary, investigate potential misuse of your personal data.

Mandatory information for subscription to the newsletter includes your e-mail address, first name, last name, title and company. This information is used to personally address you. After your confirmation, we will store your information for the purpose of dispatching the newsletter. The legal basis for this is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 a) GDPR.

You can revoke your consent to dispatch and unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. You can declare revocation by clicking on the link provided in every e-mailed newsletter, or via e-mail to [marketing@btelligent.com], or through a message to the contact details provided in the legal notice.

Please note that we evaluate your user behaviour when sending the newsletter. For such evaluations, the sent e-mails contain tracking pixels representing single-pixel image files stored at our website. As part of evaluation, we associate the data mentioned in paragraph 3 and the tracking pixels with your e-mail address and an individual ID. With the data obtained in this manner, we create a user profile to tailor the newsletter to your individual interests. In this process, we register the time at which you read our newsletter, as well as the links which you click in it,  and use this to infer your personal interests. We associate these data with actions performed by you at our website.

At any time, you can prevent this tracking by disabling the display of images in your e-mail program by default. In this case, the newsletter is not fully displayed, and you might not be able to use all functions. If you manually choose to have the images displayed, the tracking mentioned above is enabled.

If you any concern about your personal data, please feel free to contact us via this form.

c. LinkedIn Insight Tag

Our website uses the “LinkedIn Insight Tag” conversion tool from LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (hereinafter LinkedIn) in cooperation with the parent company LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 W. Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA. This tool creates a cookie in your web browser that allows you to collect the following data, among others:

  • URL or page views

  • referrer URL

  • IP address

  • Device and browser properties (user agent)

  • timestamp

These data are collected by LinkedIn, encrypted, anonymized or pseudonymized, and deleted after a short time. LinkedIn does not share any personal data with b.telligent here, but only offers anonymized reports on the website target group (demographic data) and ad performance. In addition, LinkedIn offers re-targeting for website visitors via the Insight tag.

We use these data to display targeted advertising, also outside our own website, without you being identified as a website visitor. This way, we are able to provide relevant content for our audiences. The legal basis for this is your consent to the use of cookies during collection of your data, Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause 1 a) GDPR. Because anonymised reports and demographic data received by us have no impact on personal data, no justification based on data protection laws is required. If personal data do provide us with information about user behaviour at our own website, the legal basis for this is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6, Paragraph 1, Clause 1 f) GDPR.

More information about the LinkedIn Insight tag can be found here. The data privacy policy of LinkedIn also provides more information about data collection and use, as well as options and rights to protect your privacy. If you are logged in at LinkedIn, you can deactivate data collection at any time. You will find instructions here.

If you want to remove the LinkedIn Insight tag at our website, deactivate the Marketing field in our cookie settings.

Your data are collected by LinkedIn, and processed and deleted in accordance with the information it has provided (refer to the link provided further above). Es gibt hierzu keinen Link oben More information on transfer of data outside the EU is provided here.

4. Use of cookies

a. Which cookies do we use?

We use cookie technology for our website. Cookies are small text files that are sent from our web server to your browser as part of your visit to our website and stored by it on your computer, tablet computer or smartphone for later retrieval.

We use the following cookies on our websites

Cookie usage for Commanders Act

[TCID]: Visitor identifier that is used to calculate deduplicated statistics per user. TrustCommander uses this cookie to measure privacy banner performance statistics after the visitor has given their consent. Before the visitor gives their consent, TrustCommander uses the TCID cookie to measure anonymous statistics for privacy banners. The cookie is stored for 365 days.

[TCPID]: This cookie is used to identify visitors who are shown the privacy banner. It is used to obtain statistics on privacy banner usage until visitors have given their consent for the TCID cookie. The cookie is stored for 365 days.

[TC_PRIVACY]: This cookie is used to store user status (opt-in or opt-out) and display the privacy banner. The cookie is stored for 396 days.

[TC_PRIVACY_CENTER]: This cookie is used to display the opt-in/opt-out categories in the Privacy Center when the user reopens it. The cookie is stored for 396 days.

Cookies-Nutzung für Google Analytics per google Analytics

[__ga]: This cookie is part of Google Analytics and is used to statistically evaluate user behavior on our websites. It contains individual Google Analytics identification numbers and is stored for two years. The cookie is a so-called first-party cookie that is controlled from our website.

[__gid]: This cookie is part of Google Analytics and is used to statistically evaluate user behavior on our websites. It contains an individual Google Analytics identification number and is stored for 24 hours. The cookie is a so-called first-party cookie that is controlled from our website.

[_gat]: This cookie is part of Google Analytics and is used to statistically evaluate user behavior on our websites. With the help of this cookie, the query rate of website usage is controlled. It typically contains a number and is stored for one minute. The cookie is a so-called first-party cookie that is controlled from our website.

Cookie usage for HubSpot (see in detail below)

[__hstc]: This cookie is part of the HubSpot service and is the main cookie for recording visitors. It contains the domain, the user token, the first timestamp (of the first visit), the last timestamp (of the last visit), and the session count (increases with each subsequent session) and is stored for two years. The cookie is a so-called first-party cookie that is controlled from our website.

[__hssrc]: This cookie is part of the HubSpot service. It is set every time HubSpot changes the session cookie. It contains the value “1” and is used to determine whether the user has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist at the time of cookie management, HubSpot can assume that it is a new session. The cookie is saved until the end of the session. The cookie is a so-called first-party cookie that is controlled from our website.

[__hssc]: This cookie is part of the HubSpot service and is used to record sessions. The cookie is used to determine whether the session count and timestamps in the [__hstc] cookie need to be increased. It contains the domain, the number of page views (viewCount, increases with every page view in a session), and the session start timestamp. The cookie is stored for 30 minutes. It is a so-called first-party cookie that is controlled from our website.

[hubspotutk]: This cookie stores a visitor's browser ID. It is passed to HubSpot when submitting forms and is used when deduplicating contacts. It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current visitor. This cookie expires after 13 months.

Use of cookies for LinkedIn

[userMatchHistory]: This cookie is used to help LinkedIn Ads measure advertising performance. The storage period is 30 days.

[analyticsSyncHistory]: This cookie is used to store information about when a sync with the lms_analytics cookie took place for users in the designated countries. The storage period is 30 days.

[li_gc]: This cookie is used to store visitors' consent to the use of cookies for non-essential purposes. The storage period is 2 years.

[lang]: This cookie is used by LinkedIn to set the default localization/language of the popup. This cookie is deleted after the session has ended.

[lidc]: This cookie is used by LinkedIn to optimize the data center selection when pressing the “Share” button. The cookie is stored for 24 hours.

[bcookie]: This is a cookie to uniquely identify devices (browsers) that access LinkedIn in order to detect misuse on the platform. The storage period is 2 years.

[li_mc]: Used as a temporary cache to avoid database queries for a member's consent to use unnecessary cookies and to keep consent information on the client side. The storage period is 2 years.

[JESSIONID]: This cookie is used to protect against CSRF (cross-site request forgery) and to validate URL signatures. This cookie is deleted after the session has ended.

[bscookie]: This cookie remembers the two-factor authentication status of a logged-in user. The storage period is 1 year.

[li_alerts]: This cookie is used to track impressions of LinkedIn messages, such as the cookie banner, and to set the time interval between messages. The storage period is 1 year.

[li_at]: This cookie is used to authenticate members and API clients. The storage period is 1 year.

[li_rm]: This cookie is used as part of the LinkedIn function to save login data. It is set when a user clicks on 'Save Login' on their device. This makes it easier to log in to this device. The storage period is 1 year.

[in_OR]: This cookie is used to determine whether Oribi analyses can be performed for a specific domain. The storage period is 1 day.

Weitere Informationen zu den Cookies von LinkedIn findest Du hier.

b. Deactivating cookies

You can determine for yourself whether cookies can be set and retrieved through the settings in your browser. For example, you can completely deactivate the storage of cookies in your browser, restrict them to certain websites, or configure your browser so that it automatically notifies you as soon as a cookie is about to be set and asks you for feedback. You can block or delete individual cookies. However, for technical reasons, this may result in some functions of our website being impaired and no longer fully functioning.

5. Use of Google Analytics

It is important to us to design our websites as optimally as possible and thus make them attractive for our visitors. This requires us to know which parts of it reach our visitors and how.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). Google Analytics also uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your device and enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. IP anonymization has been activated on our website so that your IP address is abbreviated beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide us with other services related to website activity and Internet usage to us as a website operator.

The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other data from Google.

You can prevent cookies from being saved by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent.

You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google by using the link download and install the available browser plug-in.

You can find Google's privacy policy here.

In order to ensure an adequate level of data protection when transferring your data to a third country, we have agreed standard data protection clauses with Google, which have been adopted by the European Commission for this purpose. You can obtain a copy of this agreement from us upon request. To do so, please use the contact details above. Your data is processed on the legal basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (balancing of interests) and in our interest to be able to evaluate how our website is being used and to adapt and optimize our website based on the results.

Your data collected as part of Google Analytics will be deleted after 14 months.

6. Use of DoubleClick by Google

We use the DoubleClick by Google marketing service on our website. DoubleClick by Google is a service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”), which enables us to present you with advertisements relevant to you. DoubleClick by Google also uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your device and which control the display of advertising relevant to you. Cookies are used to assign a unique identification number to your browser, which, among other things, determines which ads have been displayed in your browser and which ads you have viewed. The use of DoubleClick cookies allows Google and the partner websites of the advertising network to place ads based on your previous visits to our or other websites on the Internet. The information generated by the cookies is transferred by Google to a server in the USA for evaluation and stored there. In addition, the data mentioned in section 3 a of this statement will be transmitted.

You can prevent cookies from being saved by setting your browser software accordingly. You can also prevent the collection of data generated by cookies and related to your use of the websites and the processing of this data by Google by using the link Download and install an available browser plug-in to disable personalized advertising.

For more information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by DoubleClick by Google, please see Privacy statement from Google. There you will also find further information about your rights in this regard and settings options to protect your privacy.

In order to ensure an adequate level of data protection when transferring your data to a third country, we have agreed standard data protection clauses with Google, which have been adopted by the European Commission for this purpose. You can obtain a copy of this agreement from us upon request. To do so, please use the contact details above.

In addition, Google LLC continues to process personal data of European citizens in accordance with the Privacy Shield Agreement as long as Google LLC maintains self-certification for the Privacy Shield Agreement.

The current status of Google's certification under the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement can be found here.

Your data is processed on the legal basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (balancing of interests) and in our interest to be able to show you advertisements relevant to you within the Google advertising network.

7. Use of the HubSpot marketing service

We use the HubSpot marketing service from HubSpot Inc. (25 First Street, 2nd Floor Cambridge, MA 02141, USA; “HubSpot”) on our website.

We use HubSpot to manage our business contacts and optimize our services and offerings for our customers and prospects.

HubSpot also uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your device. The information generated by the cookies is transferred to a HubSpot server in the USA and stored there. On our behalf, HubSpot will use this information to evaluate your use of the website and to optimize our services and offers for you.

You can prevent cookies from being saved by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent.

You can find HubSpot's privacy policy here.

On July 16, 2020, the European Court of Justice ruled that the Privacy Shield Agreement between the EU and the USA was ineffective. HubSpot and b.telligent have concluded standard contractual clauses from the EU Commission. For data transfers, we rely on these standard contractual clauses. In addition, HubSpot Inc. continues to process personal data of European citizens in accordance with the Privacy Shield Agreement as long as HubSpot Inc. maintains self-certification for the Privacy Shield Agreement.

You can find the current status of HubSpot's certification under the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement here.

Your data is processed on the legal basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (balancing of interests) and in your and our interest to optimize our services and offers for you.

8. Integration of YouTube videos

We use videos and plug-ins from YouTube on our website. YouTube is a service provided by YouTube LLC (901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA; “YouTube”). YouTube LLC is a subsidiary of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”).

We use YouTube's so-called “extended data protection mode”. This means that when you visit our websites, only an image (so-called “thumbnail”) of the embedded video is retrieved from YouTube or Google and only the data mentioned in section 3 a of this statement is transmitted to YouTube or Google.

Only when you click on the video will further data be sent to YouTube or Google and cookies will be set by these third parties. If you are logged into a YouTube or Google account, additional data about the video call can be assigned directly to your account, depending on your account settings. If you do not want this association with your profile, you must first log out of your YouTube or Google account.

In order to ensure an adequate level of data protection when transferring your data to a third country, we have agreed standard data protection clauses with Google LLC, which have been adopted by the European Commission for this purpose. You can obtain a copy of this agreement from us upon request. To do so, please use the contact details above. In addition, Google LLC continues to process personal data of European citizens in accordance with the Privacy Shield Agreement as long as Google LLC maintains self-certification for the Privacy Shield Agreement.

The current status of Google's certification under the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement can be found here.

For more information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by YouTube and Google, please see Privacy statement from Google. There you will also find further information about your rights in this regard and settings options to protect your privacy.

Your data is processed on the legal basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (balancing of interests) and in our interest to be able to provide you with the videos on our website and at the same time relieve our servers.

9. Involvement of service providers and transfer of data to third parties

In order to provide this website and for the above purposes, your data may be passed on to technical service providers supporting us (e.g. website hosting and support, content delivery networks), which we have of course carefully selected and commissioned in writing. These service providers are bound by our instructions and are regularly checked by us.

10. Your rights

You have the right to request confirmation from us as to whether personal data concerning you is being processed; if this is the case, you have a Right to information about this personal data and the information detailed in Article 15 GDPR.

You have the right to receive from us immediately the rectification Inaccurate personal data concerning you and, if applicable, the completion to request incomplete personal data (Art. 16 GDPR).

You have the right to request that we delete personal data concerning you immediately, provided that one of the reasons set out in detail in Article 17 GDPR applies, e.g. when the data is no longer required for the purposes pursued (Right to delete).

You have the right to ask us the Restriction of processing If one of the conditions listed in Article 18 GDPR is met, e.g. if you have filed an objection to processing, for the duration of the audit by us.

You have the right, for reasons arising from your particular situation, to object at any time to the processing of data concerning you on the basis of Article 6 (1) (e) or f) GDPR or for direct marketing purposes, contradiction (Art. 21 GDPR), see in detail below.

You have the right to withdraw any consent you have given us at any time with effect for the future (Right of Withdrawal) .You have the right to receive the data relating to you, which you have provided to us, from us in a structured, common and machine-readable format. You can also transfer this data to other parties or have it transmitted by us (Right to data portability).

To exercise your rights, please email datenschutz@btelligent.com.

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authorityif you believe that the processing of personal data relating to you violates the GDPR (Art. 77 GDPR). In Bavaria, the competent supervisory authority is: Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision, P.O. Box 606, 91511 Ansbach, www.lda.bayern.de.

11. Data protection

We furthermore employ technical and organizational security measures to protect acquired or collected personal data, especially against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or raids by unauthorized persons.

Our security measures are improved continuously in accordance with technological developments.During use of our website, your personal data are encrypted using SSL/TLS technology to prevent access by unauthorized third parties.

April 2023
b.telligent Schweiz GmbH